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Learn more about Employee Capital Plans (PPK) during our free webinars


Learn more about Employee Capital Plans (PPK) during our free webinars

5 listopada 2020

Learn more about Employee Capital Plans (PPK) during our free webinars

Polska wersja tej informacji dostępna jest pod adresem

Under the PPK Act, companies from the II and III tier of the enrolling process will be joining Employee Capital Plans (in Polish - PPK) this autumn. Nearly 80 thousand employers with a total of 3.2 million employees will face the challenge. Many of those employees are foreigners working in Poland, but not speaking Polish fluently. That’s why we have decided to launch a new product – free webinars in English.

What are Employee Capital Plans? 

Employee Capital Plans are a common and voluntary pension savings scheme organized by any employer who employs at least one person subject to compulsory pension insurance. The employer in cooperation with the selected financial institution will open an individual ECP account for you. Monthly payments will be made into the account by you and your employer, while the state will provide a one-time welcome payment and additional annual payments.

What is the aim of the program? 

The main aims of the PPK include increasing employee’s financial security, improving people’s quality of life after retirement and improving the structure of savings accumulated by households.

Employee Capital Plans training sessions – what will I learn?

PFR Portal PPK, which is the operator of the official ECP website ( has been organizing training sessions and webinars regarding ECP for almost 2 years. In the last months, we have seen increasing interest in training sessions that are held in English. 

During the training sessions we aim at providing the participants with information about:

  • The main assumptions of the program,
  • The role of the employee, the employer and the state in the system,
  • How ECP differs from other similar programs present in Poland,
  • The benefits of participating in ECP – general advantages for foreigners working in Poland, the possibilities of accessing your savings before the age of 60, inheritance rules and many more. We will also answer all of your questions,
  • All available informational materials and presentations on the topic, in English.

How can I organize a training session?

Due to the situation regarding COVID-19, currently we only hold online training sessions. Webinars are available to anyone who will contact us in this matter. In order to do so, please reach out to our dedicated PPK Expert for English training sessions, Mr Nathaniel Organ ( After sending your request to the given email address, all details will be set individually. 

PPK in English – our flagship podcast

If you are seeking basic information about Employee Capital Plans (PPK), we strongly encourage you to listen to our podcast in English



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