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PPK in English - new portal information pages


PPK in English - new portal information pages

25 marca 2022

PPK in English - new portal information pages
  • New information pages in English
  • Key information about PPK
  • Useful materials and documents


Every foreigner working in Poland may become a participant in Employee Capital Plans (PPK). For those who do not speak Polish, information pages in English have been created. This is the second, after Ukrainian, language version of the website. 

PPK in English is a new project of the portal, designed to acquaint English-speaking persons working in Poland with the main rules of the programme. The PPK regulations respect the principle of equal treatment of employees regardless of their nationality or citizenship. Every foreigner who meets the conditions for participation in the PPK is entitled to save in the programme and may benefit from all advantages offered by the Employee Capital Plans.

In a dedicated sub-page, English-speaking employees will find the following information:

  • what are Employee Capital Plans;
  • how to become a PPK participant;
  • how to use the money saved;
  • why it pays to save in the programme;
  • who manages the funds accumulated in the PPK.


The website also contains guides and leaflets in English, as well as the most important application forms and declarations connected with the operation of the programme from the employee's point of view. Podcasts have also been prepared, addressing the issues of paying into the PPK, participating in the programme, and using the accumulated funds. 

The English language pages can be found here. They will be progressively expanded by the addition of, among others, new audio-visual, and training materials. We hope that this source of knowledge about the Employee Capital Plans will encourage foreigners to participate in the programme, while at the same time helping employers to provide information. The MojePPK website is also available in English, where you can easily check your savings balance on all your PPK accounts.


Autor: Marta Damm-Świerkocka

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